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Showing posts from September, 2019

Full of magic

The world is full of magic, if you know where to look. September 2019.It was a lovely day at the park. The sun was trickling down the sky, as we walked across the lush grass. I eyed a nice spot by the water fountains and Nirav ambled in his merry way, a few feet behind. That’s when he saw them.

You! You are amazing in ways you don't even know!

Do you feel like day-old poop sometimes? Like, you're not good enough and the whole world can see it? Know this - no matter how much you suck at everything, there's always a silver lining! Always. Read on and you'll understand. This is an old post, but hey, it always puts things in perspective for me. I'm Magic, baby and lord do my patients agree!

The subtle art of commitment.

Type.Type.Type. Story complete. Grammar check and edit. Hover over the send button. No, how about one more read through? A quick trip to Google. As a writer, my google search history is both horrific and hilarious. How fast do corpses mummify in tropical weather? 5 ways to get arrested and make bail. The biochemistry of an exotic poison. Why do zombies run fast?