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Showing posts from August, 2019

My kind of love

Dear Husband, It’s been 14 years. So a mere “Happy Anniversary” or “I love you” seem bland, considering I’m supposed to be clever with words. 


Are you a sensitive person? Do you hurt easily and often, when someone is blunt or unkind with you?  

Fiction Quest published my Story!

Pumped to see my spooky story included in one of my favorite online magazines, Fiction Quest. Pop on over to this site to read : You guys, 2019 is looking pretty good, right now! Thank you all, once again, because I’m nothing without my friends, family and readers. ❤️❤️❤️

That time of the month again!

It’s that time of the month again :)

Are you listening, God?

What do mothers want?

Girls just (always, OMG always) wanna have fun

The evolution of tiredness. Ah, they'll sleep like logs tonight. 😍😍 JUST KIDDING!! THESE TWO GIRLS DO NOT HAVE AN OFF SWITCH! Send prayers 😅😅

I'm on Quora too.

Guess who's an author now?

It’s happening, it’s happening!! A drabble (100 word story) I wrote got accepted by a British Anthology Publication!!!! This is huge, as you can guess from all the exclamation points. I’m beyond thrilled and grateful that a piece of fiction (which came from the darkest corners of my mind) has been considered worthy of putting in an actual book. Your girl is a bona fide author people! This is happening! Wheeeeee!!

Great Expectations.

A childhood friend of mine is expecting her first baby in Feb 2020. She’s been following me for a while on my website and Facebook, and she thinks I know something about parenting. So she called me this past weekend to get the inside scoop.

Like a Hawk!

I spent an hour yesterday at the Spa/Salon. When I get home, this conversation happens with my husband. Raghav: Babe, you look nice! Me: Aww, thanks! That was so relaxing. Raghav: Wow, your hair!! Cannot beat that Salon blowout, huh?! Me:  Well...

9 and what fun!

9 today. The baby fat, almost gone. Taller, leaner and looks like the young man he’s becoming.  9 today. He still gives me mushy kisses. He still lets me snuggle up. And, oh my heart! 9 today. Wakes up with a smile and asks about his present. Negotiates like a pro, in his squeaky, squeaky voice. 9 today. He works hard every minute. Plays harder. Stands up for himself even when he wants to run away. 9 today. Silly games with his sister. Fights, races, cuddles and endless giggling. Oh, the giggling. 9 today. He flies in the wind, exploring, learning. Happiest in his own head and content in ways I can never be. 9 today. He does not know of hatred and discrimination. I pray he never has to learn. 9 today. Challenges and victories, milestones he’s carved for himself. Every moment just as it should be. 9 today. 9 perfect years of hanging out with my best friend. Happy birthday, my little boy! How did we get so lucky?

I am a Liar.

I am a liar. A big, fat liar.  I often smile and nod when someone asks me if I’m ok. I talk about self acceptance while shopping for anti aging serums. I am awkward around compliments, because I worry I’m not worthy of them. I hold in my tummy, every time I pose for a picture. I pretend to be brave every morning I wake up. Sometimes I even fool myself. I laugh at all my husband’s jokes,  while secretly thinking about how to improve them.  I am happiest in my own head, because I fear rejection. I believe in others sometimes, more than I believe in myself.  Oh, I cooked it from “scratch”. At least that’s what I say at big family dinners. I love social media. I hate social media. I’m terrified by social media. “Love you best, kiddo,”, I promise, and then go hug the “current” favorite child.  I promise to meet for coffee, then sometimes cancel last minute. Thank you, Social Anxiety. I cheat on diets ...

Pizza and Cake.

This month is a big deal in my house. Nirav turns 9, Reya hits 5 and tomorrow, on the 5th, I turn….well, older. My dad and mother-in-law have birthdays coming up too, and I also celebrate 14 years of being married on the 31st. So August means presents galore and exhausted UPS drivers, dropping off their millionth package at my doorstep, while the kids squeal, “Is that box for me? Amma, is that for me?” Reya, as expected, is loudly excited about her special day and wants all the sweets! Hey, turning 5 is not for the fainthearted. And much to our absolute delight, Nirav has been expressing an interest in having a birthday celebration, too with friends. For those of you, who know him, this is huge. But he's insisted on NO cake! (thank you, Autism + Anxiety. No, but seriously, thank you! Some of those baked monstrosities have evil amounts of sugar).  So we’re likely looking at a combination party event with plenty of cake + Pizza. And lots of poorly designed Mario de...

Scent and space.

I often find myself harried or dealing with chaos. I usually have a decent handle on life, but over the years I’ve learned to stop and smell the roses. No literally. SMELL the roses. Being a very sensory person, sights, sounds, tastes dictate a lot of my choices. But at the top of my Sensory Pyramid is Smell. I am very influenced by fragrances and odors . And while it can sometimes be a challenge (think crowded room and random stranger’s body odor), it’s mostly a very helpful tool. After much introspection, I realized the power that a good aroma has over me, and decided to use it to my advantage. So here’s my little collection of pick-me-up smells : Tantalizing perfumes, Special lotions and Aromatic oils. And quite a few simple soap bars brought from the neighborhood grocery store. It’s not how much they cost, but how they make me feel. Now, I don’t know much about aromatherapy, but I certainly know it helps me focus and look forward to my day. I rotate scents for different parts of ...