This month is a big deal in my house. Nirav turns 9, Reya hits 5 and tomorrow, on the 5th, I turn….well, older. My dad and mother-in-law have birthdays coming up too, and I also celebrate 14 years of being married on the 31st. So August means presents galore and exhausted UPS drivers, dropping off their millionth package at my doorstep, while the kids squeal, “Is that box for me? Amma, is that for me?”
Reya, as expected, is loudly excited about her special day and wants all the sweets! Hey, turning 5 is not for the fainthearted.
And much to our absolute delight, Nirav has been expressing an interest in having a birthday celebration, too with friends. For those of you, who know him, this is huge. But he's insisted on NO cake! (thank you, Autism + Anxiety. No, but seriously, thank you! Some of those baked monstrosities have evil amounts of sugar).
So we’re likely looking at a combination party event with plenty of cake + Pizza. And lots of poorly designed Mario decorations.
This month, for their birthdays, we’re also raising money for Queen’s Best Stumpy Dog Rescue. (This nonprofit helps rescue Special needs Corgis and Corgi Mixes and how can you resist that?). We acquired a corgi puppy in January, and that has opened our eyes to other dogs who could do with some support.
If you feel up to it, follow this link to our fundraiser here:
August is also extra special, because the kids go back to school on the 15th.I mean, I love my spawn and all that, but YAY! I’m marking down the days on my calendar with little, red hearts and it’s so close you guys, I can almost smell it! SO close! Think of me on the 15th, and know I’m dancing inside as I wave goodbye to the kids.
Now, before I sign off, I wanted to say Thank You. My Inbox is loaded with hugs and wishes for all the birthdays and I’m truly so touched. It means the world to receive all this love, and I truly look forward to seeing some of you in person before the month is finished.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And because it can never been said enough.
Really, thank you!
- Pavi
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