So my 4-year-old, Reya has been showing a lot of interest in the local currency. Denominations, using coins instead of notes, basic addition and subtraction, helping with paying at the store- she’s been really enjoying the concept of Money. We also use a reward system, wherein she can earn tokens for completing her chores or helping around the house. This is her “allowance” to access new books/fun activities at the end of the month. I’ve found it to to be a simple system, because she understands that everything has value and so she looks forward to earning fun stuff with no pressure. Still with me? Ok. Now being the planner I am, I thought our natural, next step was a piggy bank. Hey, she likes money and this would be an interesting way for her to understand the basics of earning, saving and spending. I rushed to Amazon, found a kid friendly piggy Bank/money safe and ordered it, hoping to raise the next Narayana Murthy - a responsible, mindful spender. Prim...
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