My birthday is coming up in a week. I’ll be a year older, a year wiser(or so my husband,Raghav hopes) So this year, I’m doing something different for my birthday. Now we’ve had a rather bouncy year. 2 surgeries(Nirav and me), amazing events (new house/new pet/new job) along with all the other little bumps and bruises that make our lives more interesting. There’s been lots of laughter and major fun. Many beach trips and fingers sticky from too much ice cream. Sun-kissed perfection and memories to be thankful for. We’ve had plenty of euphoric moments where I look around and think I’m just winning at this whole motherhood business. And then something happens. Someone has an hour long tantrum or I step over the hundredth toy left on the floor. Self doubt creeps in. Drop by drop, thought by thought, like a little leak on the ceiling. Before soon, I’m wrecked with guilt and fear that I’m not raising my children well. There’ve been mornings when I haven’t wanted to get up and nights when s...
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