So much of what we know about love, we learn from movies and books. Dashing dudes on motorcycles and sultry femmes in their pastel best. A formula for romance, peppered with grand gestures and heady kisses. Ah, so magical! We yearn for those fireworks and try our hardest to replicate the same formula in our lives. And yes, sometimes Love is Dazzling. Scary in its intensity, thrilling, all-consuming. Verses of Poetry waiting on our work desk. A dozen roses, simply because. He’s loud, he’s magnetic, and he takes your breath away. You walk around in a daze, drunk on this love. But sometimes Love is subtle. Unexpressed with words but loud in its own way. He gets home Pizza and a tub of Chocolate ice cream. Surprise breakfasts delivered to your bed, buying Tampons with zero embarrassment. Fueling up your Car to save you time in the morning, seeking your agreement but respecting your ‘NO’s. He may forget to kiss you before leaving for work, but calls at noon ju...
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