Trick or treat was almost over. Even the stragglers and the teenagers had done their rounds. And we were late. SO LATE! I was worried . I had been looking forward to tonight for a long time. The colorful costumes, the shiny faces as kids went door to door. I’d missed all that. Because we were late. As we walked on the dark, empty street towards the first house, I glanced at my sister. She looked furious. I laid a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it off. A few yards away, our parents followed, with the practiced ease of someone who’s done this a million times before. Ah Good. The first house. Climbing up the stairs, we pounded on the door. I flung my head back and yelled. “Trick or Treat!” I saw movement behind the front windows. There was someone inside. But no one came to the door. We knocked and yelled again but the door stayed shut. My sister stomped her feet and cried out. Mom beckoned us from the bottom of the steps. No worries...
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