It's not Thanksgiving day and therefore expressing gratitude on social media is banned or worse, "uncool".But I'm going to do it, anyway. After dropping off the kids at school with my shirt, inside out the whole time and almost waving at somebody who wasn't waving at me, I'm sort of on a roll don't you think? Riding the dork wave here! Anyway, here are a few things I am so grateful for. Not an exhaustive list, by any means. 1. A good lipstick. 2. Wet wipes. God's own gift to harried moms with snotty kids and everything else. 3. Coffee. An endless supply of foamy coffee. I have dreams occasionally about drinking coffee, which is how addicted I am. 4. A battery pack, for when your phone runs out of juice. Now if only they made one for humans. Imagine that! 5. Angels in disguise (AID, patent pending). These pure souls are everywhere if you know how to look for them. It could be the nice old lady in front of you at the story or your son's tea...
Bite Sized Fiction and Essays. Go on, grab your Mug of Coffee.